Himalayan Crystal Salt, Salt Diamonds from Kashmir
From the underground Salt deposits of Khewra, Himalaya, Pakistan The Salt deposits in Khewra were discovered by the Great Alexander 350 years before Christi. Salt crystals- diamonds- are fossils. They formed over thousand of years in the rocks of the Himalaya Mountains. These Salt deposits are the oldest and largest of the world. The Salt Crystals (fossils) are over 200 million years old and are Halite-Crystals. The Salt Crystals are 100 % natural and very good for the health They come in different colors from red-pink to white
1Kg Salt Crystals- diamonds contain:
10,9 mg Magnesium
36,2 mg Calcium
36,6 mg Potassium
4,11 mg Iron
You can use it like any other salt for cooking.
distributor: info(at)orlandosidee.de