Tellicherry Pepper
The Pepper plant is a flowering wine. Black Pepper is normally harvested when the pepper berry is almost ripe. The pepper corns originally green till red outer shell changes to black while it is dried under the sun.
Telllicherry Extra Bold Black Pepper belongs to the best Pepper varieties of the wold. This black pepper corn comes from the Indian province Thalassery and only 10 % of the harvest carry the name Tellicherry Pepper. Tellicherry pepper is an aromatic an hot pepper corn. Its flavor is very intensive. The Tellicherry pepper derives it intensive flavor from the fact that this type of pepper is allowed to fully ripen on the plant and be harvested just then when the berries change their color to yellow-orange.
You can be sure that you have Tellicherry Pepper when its color is mor brown than black.
distributor: info(at)orlandosidee.de